Online Application
Please see information below regarding security deposits.
85 Main Street, South Hadley
General: 413-536-1050, Mon-Fri 8:00-4:00
Emergencies & Outages: 413-536-1050, 24/7
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Please see information below regarding security deposits.
Complete, sign, and fax or submit in person.
View a PDF describing SHELD's terms of service.
Please complete to request a disconnect of electric service.
As part of our application process, SHELD requires all applicants to provide their social security number. In 2010 Congress made it mandatory for the Utility, as a “creditor,” to require this information in an effort to avert identity theft. Online Utility Exchange (OUE) is used to validate a customer’s social security number as a part of compliance with the Red Flag Rules required by the Federal Trade Commission. SHELD uses OUE to perform a “soft credit check” which compares the customer name and social security number that does not negatively affect your credit score.
New customers will need to complete an application for service: you can use the online form linked above or visit our office during business hours to complete a hard copy version. There is no fee for initiating or canceling an account, although a security deposit may be required.
No security deposit is required if you are the property owner and personally sign for the electric service. If you are a renter or other party besides the owner of record, a security deposit will be required: $200 for conventional residential service, or $400 for a residence with electric heat.
If you have an outstanding balance from another SHELD account, you must pay that balance in full before new service is started. Please see SHELD's terms and conditions for electric service (PDF) for additional information.
All contents © 2025 South Hadley Electric Light Department.